
Why HyperPose

HyperPose provides:

  • Flexible training

    • Well abstracted APIs(Python) to help you manage the pose estimation pipeline quickly and directly

    • Dataset(COCO, MPII)

    • Pose Estimation Methods

      • Backbones: ResNet, VGG(Tiny/Normal/Thin), Pose Proposal Network.

    • Post-Processing: Part Association Field(PAF), Pose Proposal Networks.

  • Fast Prediction

    • Rich operator APIs for you to do fast DNN inference and post-processing.

    • 2 API styles:

      • Operator API(Imperative): HyperPose provides basic operators to do DNN inference and post processing.

      • Stream API(Declarative): HyperPose provides a streaming processing runtime scheduler where users only need to specify the engine, post-processing methods and input/output streams.

    • Model format supports:

      • Uff.

      • ONNX.

      • Cuda Engine Protobuf.

    • Good performance. (see here)

Training Library Design

Prediction Library Design

HyperPose Prediction Pipeline

HyperPose supports prediction pipelines described in the image blow. (Mainly for bottom-up approaches)


Operator API & Stream API

Operator API provides basic operators for users to manipulate the pipeline. And Stream API is based on Operator API and makes higher level scheduling on it.

Minimum Example For Operator API

To apply pose estimation to a video using Operator API:

#include <hyperpose/hyperpose.hpp>

int main() {
    using namespace hyperpose;

    const cv::Size network_resolution{384, 256};
    const dnn::uff uff_model{ "../data/models/hao28-600000-256x384.uff", "image", {"outputs/conf", "outputs/paf"} };

    // * Input video.
    auto capture = cv::VideoCapture("../data/media/video.avi");

    // * Output video.
    auto writer = cv::VideoWriter(
        "output.avi", capture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FOURCC), capture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS), network_resolution);

    // * Create TensorRT engine.
    dnn::tensorrt engine(uff_model, network_resolution);

    // * post-processing: Using paf.
    parser::paf parser{};

    while (capture.isOpened()) {
        std::vector<cv::Mat> batch;
        for (int i = 0; i < engine.max_batch_size(); ++i) {
            cv::Mat mat;
            capture >> mat;
            if (mat.empty())

        if (batch.empty())

        // * TensorRT Inference.
        auto feature_map_packets = engine.inference(batch);

        // * Paf.
        std::vector<std::vector<human_t>> pose_vectors;
        for (auto&& packet : feature_map_packets)
            pose_vectors.push_back(parser.process(packet[0], packet[1]));

        // * Visualization
        for (size_t i = 0; i < batch.size(); ++i) {
            cv::resize(batch[i], batch[i], network_resolution);
            for (auto&& pose : pose_vectors[i])
                draw_human(batch[i], pose);
            writer << batch[i];

Minimum Example For Stream API

To apply pose estimation to a video using Stream API:

#include <hyperpose/hyperpose.hpp>

int main() {
    using namespace hyperpose;

    const cv::Size network_resolution{384, 256};
    const dnn::uff uff_model{ "../data/models/hao28-600000-256x384.uff", "image", {"outputs/conf", "outputs/paf"} };

    // * Input video.
    auto capture = cv::VideoCapture("../data/media/video.avi");

    // * Output video.
    auto writer = cv::VideoWriter(
        "output.avi", capture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FOURCC), capture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS), network_resolution);

    // * Create TensorRT engine.
    dnn::tensorrt engine(uff_model, network_resolution);

    // * post-processing: Using paf.
    parser::paf parser{};

    // * Create stream
    auto stream = make_stream(engine, parser);

    // * Connect input stream.
    stream.async() << capture;

    // * Connect ouput stream and wait.
    stream.sync() >> writer;

Using the Stream API, it is much faster and with less codes!

Stream Processing in Stream API

  • Every worker is a thread.

  • Every worker communicates via a FIFO queue.

  • The DNN inference worker will do greedy batching for the inputs.
